I started recording a new album last July. At this point I’m about 70% done recording tracks. Drums and bass are recorded. Most rhythm guitar is done. A few vocals and keyboard tracks are also done.
This album is a real bummer, lyrically. I didn’t mean to collect all the reasons to empty your wrists and flop lifelessly off a fucking bridge. It just kind of happened that way when I was balancing out the tempo and feel of my old songs with my newly written songs.
I may have just accidentally named this album right there though. “smalltime vault- Empty Your Wrists and Flop Lifelessly Off a Fucking Bridge”. It has a nice ring to it.
The album has an updated old Einstein song, and an updated an old One Year Later song. One Year Later was the band that Einstein became briefly after breaking up and trying to get back together. So, there are sort of two Einstein songs on this album.
Progress has been steady but slow. The only real hurdle is my lack of availability, since a lot of my precious spare time has gone into finishing my basement- the half of my basement where I don’t record music. I’m hoping that I’ll finish this album right when it’s time to start finishing the studio-side of the basement. I’m assuming that my production value will sky-rocket once I’m tracking in space with sheet-rock and a dropped ceiling. Every smalltime vault album up until now has been tracked knee-deep in concrete dust and spiders.
I’ve also started updating the old website, in the meantime. It’ll be a work-in-progress for a while, as I figure out WordPress.